1. Account Register: as usually like every social media, hydear also have the same concept where they can able to login to their account providing with their email ID which keep secure with hydeartech private limited. We do value all this information as with our best policy which is the upgradation version in a new www.hydear.com social media
2. Update profile: as other social media have normal profile update features, we have added some more option to add in the profile like – job profile, current job location, age etc. just because to provide better and valuable business as well as fun related feeds to the customers. Hydear think that the real meaning of social media is to connect with fun, learn and earn so we can able to do which is the best upgraded features in hydear
3. News Feed: Getting updated with latest news is a wonderful thing which hydear provide to every customer login to with their new interest – and will filter bad or wrong news as well for a better mindset of all Indians.