New World is building up a collection of thousands of items. Some of them are better than others just because they have a higher Gear Score. But items with the same score may also differ a lot because of Rarity. If you want to know more, keep reading to learn more about the different rarities of items in New World.
In New World, items are split into five distinct rarities. These are:
Common (grey)
Uncommon (green)
Rare (blue)
Epic (purple)
Legendary (orange)
Like most MMORPGs, a higher rarity usually indicates that the item is cooler. But in the New World, this system works differently. Indicates the number of perks the item has. Perks are special additional functions and powers of an item. Simply put, the higher the rarity your item is, the more bonuses it provides alongside its core defensive/offensive stat. Perk distribution across rarities works like so:
Common - no perks
Uncommon - one perk
rare - two perks
epic - three perks
legendary - Have set perks that are always the same.
It is important to note that even though an item can have a certain number of perks, it doesn't always mean that it will. You will often find uncommon items, for example, with no perks. This means that even if you get a shiny epic item, it might not complement your character. So rarity isn't always the best way to determine an item's quality. Be sure to read each item's stats and perks. You may find that an uncommon item is better for your character than a rare item.
It's worth noting, the higher rarity an item is, the higher-level requirement you need to equip it, so it's best to leave any grinding you do until you're at least level 50. As you reach higher levels and take on more challenging content, the chances of you finding epic or even legendary items get higher alongside you. Content such as Corrupted breaches, elite bosses in the open world, chests you find in your travels can contain valuable items, and even you can use new world mmo coins to buy what you're looking for. Until then, just focus on earning experience points as fast as you can. Alternatively, take your time and enjoy the journey at your own pace.
We've covered how rarity works in New World! With this knowledge, you'll be able to truly understand what you're getting when a great piece of loot drops! If you're interested in more guides, be sure to read our basic weapons guide here.