On the other hand, when we talk about Phone Number List qualitative indicators in a content strategy on Social Networks, we can refer to some such as: Level of satisfaction of our customers Reputation enhancement .Increased degree of Phone Number List authority .Ease of conversion to sale . These points are difficult to measure but they also have an impact (sometimes even more than the quantitative ones) on our results. If our customers are more satisfied, if they Phone Number List speak better of us, if we position ourselves as a reference in the network on a certain theme (keywords) or if our commercials/sellers find it easier to sell our product, it is surely because our content strategy is working.
Selection of suitable social networks If you have Phone Number List read the first part of this manual, you will have seen that there was a very important Phone Number List part of the study of the competition. I recommend that you read it again because it is vitally important to know what the competition is doing (and how it is working for them) so as not to Phone Number List make their mistakes or suffer the opportunity cost of putting all your efforts (and your resources) into actions that do not suit you. they will lead nowhere.
To correctly choose the social networks that you Phone Number List are going to use, you must take into account 4 main factors: What is your objective target and Phone Number List what is the profile of your client (remember that who you are targeting is not the same as who you end up selling your product to... although the ideal would be for these two points to coincide). Remember that if you offer professional services and your target audience is over 50 years of age, it is preferable to Phone Number List use LinkedIn or Xingu rather than Quentin.