Plasmolifting PRP Tubes
Recovery after plasmolifting.
Rehabilitation does not take much time. as a rule, after a couple of days, the traces of the procedure disappear and the patient can return to his usual lifestyle.
Plasmolifting PRP Tubes
To speed up the process of skin recovery after plasmolifting, it is recommended:
Give up decorative cosmetics for 2-3 days after the procedure.
Touch your face with your hands.
Visit the sauna, sauna, beach, solarium and gym.
Alcohol can also provoke complications and neutralize the effect of the procedure. Therefore, we recommend giving it up in the first days after the procedure.
To maximize the effect of the procedure, you need to follow a drinking regime — use 1.5-2 liters of clean water without gas.
What procedures can be combined with
It often happens that a cosmetologist can prescribe several options for skin exposure at once. This allows you to achieve maximum results and keep it for many months.
Plasmolifting goes well with:
correction of age-related changes with botox preparations,
photorejuration, etc.
A competent cosmetologist will select a personalized scheme of skin care and care, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient.

If you’re looking for the Best Anti-Aging Treatment in Delhi, then it’s time to visit Dadu Medical Centre. It is an age erasing clinic at Vasant Vihar that offers a complete range of advanced and non-invasive treatments to effectively address all your aesthetic concerns. Moreover, you can take advantage of its special deals to get a lethal skin treatment at affordable prices.